Making a car difficult to steal

Still toying with ideas here. Got my dash harness out chasing some electrical gremlins so it seems like a good time to do something.

Anybody have any ideas for a remote relay of some sort? Something you could activate with a fob, or even better would sense the proximity of the fob? Kind of coming up blank on my searches.

Thought about hidden button, but seems like that depends on the guy not finding it. Kind of like something a little tougher to defeat.

This thread is so old that you may have changed some of the hardware in the car. But trick stuff like this depends largely on being able to keep a quick thief from figuring things out on the basis that your car is NO LONGER FACTORY

So if you use an electric fuel pump-------break the control line to the pump relay with a small hidden switch.

Whatever you have for ignition, switching IE Mopar, or points, use a switch to ground the NEG coil lead. MSD is a different issue, but you can do a similar thing with that

Figure a way to lock down the hood

If the battery is trunk mount, that's a no brainer -- a push pull disconnect that disconnects the battery with a push, and you must open the trunk to reset the switch.

If you have wheels with holes, IE slots or spokes, you could lash a length of plastic protected chain or cable through a wheel, and around a leaf spring

NOTHING you do is going to prevent thieves with time, darkness, and a wrecker.

A now deceased friend of mine, had a 4x4 back in the 70's. He built a little decoder circuit. In order to start the truck you sent "OK" in morse code with the brake pedal. dah dah dah____dah dit dah. And of course this depended on unobtrusive wiring. A smart thief who realized he'd been had could have either ripped loose the coil wiring, clip wired the points wire to the coil, and hooked power to it and gone. So the thing depended on a thief who would or would not waste time. Of course he'd have to open the hood which was chained / padlocked shut which on the old '70 Chev was easy to do.