67 GTS 4-Speed: Daily Summer Driver

So it has been a long time coming (7 years) but this past weekend I finally got the car on the road!!

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I tried to get it started up the saturday of Carlisle but wasnt getting gas. First I thought not enough was in the tank but comes out that fuel pump wasnt working and the closest place that had one in stock was 40 minutes away!! Thankfully my mother went to go pick it up. Surprisingly I did not have any issue with the starter engaging the flywheel like I did in the past, I was happy. But after the fluids were checked, steering system bleed and the car in front of the garage door a down pour came through... So sunday was the day! then it wouldnt start, the battery was dead... So robbing the battery from the charger I got it started and out on the road. It needs an alignment bad, theres a lot of unfamiliar noises, some sporadic clucking that I think is clearance issues with exhaust or clutch linkage but otherwise was okay. Ran hot, but I guess that is expected as I try to dial and run everything in. All four forward gears work as does reverse, so Id say it is a win!! Now is just honing it in, adding trim that I didnt install yet and hopefully enjoying it!!

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The car looks great!