The Beaver Hole Hardwood Company Begins

IF THIS TRAILERS ROCKING DON"T COME KNOCKING There's yer sign. Maybe you could make one of them rock?
When reading a previous post I saw, "one wire whose" and my old brain went to "woose" like a toddler might pronounce "loose". LOL
The one trailer has a picture window. You got to have at least one teenage boy peeking in from a perch atop the water tower. I've got one of the little figurines called Homies who is looking through binoculars. It a middle-aged man, I'm guessing a bird watcher. Those may not be the correct scale.
In reference to Gunsmoke series, Miss Kittys was the saloon and hotel. I guess the trailer park came years later.
There is such a trailer park in the film titled Crossroads, or maybe its in The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia. One of the DVDs I have here.
Kitty is my wife's name. So that reference is kinda two fold. Also, the producer of Gunsmoke admitted that Miss Kitty was indeed a madam, even though no reference was ever made to it on the show. I've always thought that was strange why they said that since back then the reference really couldn't be made anyway. It kinda fits. Saloon......Hotel.......not much of a stretch for the rest. lol