67 GTS 4-Speed: Daily Summer Driver

Well I was able to get a little time in on the GTS while home. One issue that has been there since the start is the interference of the Z bar and the headers. Never really took the time to fix it since I could never get the car to run right and the steering was always a pain. Well I had the wife cycle the clutch a couple times and saw exactly where it hits:






So two areas. One at the tip of the Z bar and just a little further up the arm. I was able to remove the Z bar, not as bad as I thought it would be, and was able to grind those areas down. Since this was Monday and had to drive back the same day I figured I stop on a good note and hope to get this thing installed next time I am back home. With this addressed, get the alternator situation addressed, get the clutch fan in, and the steering this car should FINALLY be close to enjoying!!