Anyone here with a dog that has had a TPLO procedure?

Hoping for the best for Claire, she looks like a great pup!
I know exactly what you mean about the affect it has when one of the dogs is ill.
My boy Charlie (avatar pic), has lost his appetite of late. My wife has tried several different things to entice him with little results. She took him to the vet on Monday and had x rays and blood work done. They found a mass on his spleen and we are taking him back Friday for ultrasound. It's been weighing pretty heavily on us both. He's 11 now, and neither of us is ready to let him go, but I know it's not necessarily going to be our choice.
My heart goes out to you, your wife, and Charlie, and I sincerely hope it's not serious.

I had my spleen taken out when I was 12, and I'm still good to go.

But about 30 years ago I had a dog that got hit by a car, and the only thing of consequence that was damaged was her spleen. I probably don't need to tell you the rest...

Good luck this Friday! I'll be sending some Positive Waves your way.
