Anyone here with a dog that has had a TPLO procedure?

All of the vets we've seen have mentioned the possibility (likelihood?) of damage to her other knee from her "compensating" during recovery, and as someone who has had arthroscopic surgery on both knees, I completely understand that. Thankfully her "good" knee doesn't seem to cause her any pain, and there's no indication of damage....yet, either via x-rays or physical examination and manipulation.

Thank you for you response, and I hope your dog has many happy & pain free years ahead of her!
We had to seclude our dog for at least 5 weeks... We kept him in one room that he could still see us in. We hung shower curtains to block out the windows he could look out.... He goes nuts over squirrels and visitors, never mind the mailman. :rolleyes: I slept on the couch so he wouldn't be alone. It wasn't easy but I didn't want to spend the money and not follow close directions from the vet and have this all for nothing. I was home on leave cause my wife broke her ankle while on vacation. I took care of them both.