Anyone here with a dog that has had a TPLO procedure?

They mentioned that to us as well, helping with a towel. We have 4 steps down from our doorway to the back yard, but the steps are big, like 2 feet each so she was able to get all 4 legs onto each step before going to the next one. We didn't need to help her as she managed just fine, but I think if the steps were smaller, like stairs to your basement, I would have had to carry her up and down them every time.

I will say, she can't squat like she used to be able to either, it makes cleaning up droppings a pain, she has to almost walk as she goes, so instead of piles, they are long trails! Lol
The "surgery vet" said they would give us a "Recovery Schedule", with less and less restrictions each week during recovery. I don't remember most of them, but I do remember the vet saying that for Week 2 they would release her for "light stairs". Only 3 steps (total) to get outside, but still won't be able to go downstairs to the lower level.