rear suspension lift

Your front end is very high. Is that where you want it?
No, I would prefer it lower but according to factory specs, it should be a little higher still. I had adjusted the torsion bars per manual while on jackstands as far as it could get them to the outside of the LCA's and it seemed fine. When I put the tires one and set it down, it adjusted and now the specs are off a bit and ideally it needs to go a little higher. There's only about a half inch clearance for the rubber bumpers right now. THE FRONT TIRES ARE A LITTLE TALLER THAN STOCK THOUGH. Maybe an inch but that would get the axle up a half inch higher and the top of the tire would be a half inch more into the wheel well which doesn't seem to be the case. The rear tires are another 1 inch+ taller though so that should have helped a bit. It's pretty confusing. Again, if anyone could get a measurement from ground to the top of the wheel well openings, it would be helpful in compromising on heights. I'll adjust the TB's and get another pic.