My 340 getting 6 mpg

Isn’t your fuel dispensed in liters?
Tell that to the government!
Up until recently, (IDK when the shift was made), any imported liquid product was labeled into equivalent metric, from whatever system was used in the country of origin.
So you know, most of our stuff comes from the US, so we're used to rip-off gallons.
>Paint now comes in USgallons and the tags are converted to metric; So we used to get, 160oz gallons in Canadian paint. But in the metric system we get 3.78 liters= 132 oz jugs = and we get to pay $80 bucks a jug, last time I checked. That's over 60cents an ounce! clean you rollers everybody.
>Engine oil used to comes in jugs marked 4.5 liters which is one gallon Canadian.
Now they come in 5 liter jugs.
Now a liter is ~28.44 ounces, and our ounces are same size as American ounces so
5 liters is ~176 ounces which is;
=1.09 gallon C = 4.4 qts , or
=1.375 gallons US =~5.5 qts US
how much of that 5 liter jug do I put in my oilpan?
> but it gets better;
> Canadian suppliers hopped on the conversion train. What used to be a 160 oz/ 4qt jug of milk, became a 4liter jug at 114 ozs, which then became a jug of 3.78liter/107.5ounces, being 46 stinking ounces short of a proper gallon. and the price went up.
At the convenience store I recently paid 8.80 for a 3.78liter/ 107.5 oz jug. That's 8.2cents an oz. I used to drink that like water, easily a gallon a day.
Not no more.
I used to order milk at the restaurant,
not no more.
I used to push milk on the grandkids;
not no more.
I used to keep a jug of chocolate milk in the fridge for the grandkids,
not no more.
Oh it's so wonderful living in Canada. Everybody is all the time figuring out how to rip somebody else off.
Wanna buy an 40 pound bag of potatoes. They used to be ~$10. Now you gotta pay that for 5pounds. That's 800% since Covid. We are systematically being ushered into starvation. I'm dreading the day that the government claws back my Government Pension.
Oh Wait, I'm slipping off topic.
Can you tell I hate metric?
Our country is criss-crossed by mile roads so accurate you can calibrate your cruise-control by them. But all our speed'Os are in stinking Metric Who cares about how many liters it takes to go 100km. Regina is 365 miles from my front door. If my car uses 14 liters to go 100 km, how much gas am I gonna need. What the 'ell is 14liters/100km? Cariminy. Just tell me, at which mile-road am I gonna run out.