Recent content by Cuda416

  1. Cuda416

    Ford 8.8 rear end for my 64 dart?

    So far what I've seen is the parking brake since you have to source things yourself. other than that I think it's a slam dunk and I'm planning on it myself. Loads of videos and threads on how to do it now. Good luck!
  2. Cuda416

    Motor assembly equipment Recommendations

    Not sure what you're building but lots of people have gotten away with a decent torque wrench, a good set of feeler gauges and some plastigauge for literally decades. I am sure I'll get hammered for suggesting such ham fisted methods, but they work.
  3. Cuda416

    Builders: Square engine, Over Square, or Under Square for you?

    I get what you are saying and yeah, at the end of the day, regardless of whether or not I am starting with a stocker 318 or a maxed out 340, there are too many variables to come up with a "general" equation around the area of the piston (bore) by itself.
  4. Cuda416

    Builders: Square engine, Over Square, or Under Square for you?

    All fair but I am talking specifically about that single change from a theoretical standpoint. Obviously there would be different parts involved with a bigger piston etc, but on paper, what would that 1.3 sq/in add.
  5. Cuda416

    Builders: Square engine, Over Square, or Under Square for you?

    Hadn't considered heat dissipation. I was thinking more simply about the burn having more surface area to push down on per stroke and wondering if there is a decent way to estimate how much additional power was possible just on that factor alone.
  6. Cuda416

    Builders: Square engine, Over Square, or Under Square for you?

    How much effect does the almost 1.3 sq/in in area of the piston come into play wrt a 4 vs 4.2" bore? it's almost 10% more surface to push down so I'd have to think that has some impact. if so, how much?
  7. Cuda416

    [FOR SALE] Samall block windage tray $30

    Next in line if this isn't already sold
  8. Cuda416

    What is the horse power benefits

    There was an article in one of the mags when I was a kid in the 80s's about doing this. My buddy built one and it ended up being a nice little motor for the time. Relatively cheap street motor since he and I worked at an auto parts sore with a machine shop. However as everyone keeps saying...
  9. Cuda416

    Are you a narcissist?

    My point is that labels etc are used by people to shutdown the conversation regardless of "correctness". We see it all the time. I think we're saying mostly the same thing. If not, well so be it.
  10. Cuda416

    Are you a narcissist?

    "shut down" == "making them give up". I'm not a shrink so I'm not going to psychoanalyze, or pretend I have that ability to win an argument. You either have standing in a disagreement or you don't. Shutting down the discussion isn't "winning" the argument. btw, a true narcissist is hard to...
  11. Cuda416

    69 AMX

    One of my all time favorite non-mopar cars. Neighbor had three of them when I was a teen, brother in law had a trac-pac car. Things are bad ***.
  12. Cuda416

    Are you a narcissist?

    By todays current standards, just about everyone will be called that at some point. While I see the "humor" in this sort of thing I can't help but to think it's a small way to normalize being called a narcissist as it's a favorite way to shut down or invalidate someone during an argument.