Recent content by jeff alder

  1. jeff alder

    Electric guitar...

    agreed and he plays it quite well and the studio over dubbing with the electric shredding snuck in there is a nice touch.
  2. jeff alder

    Electric guitar...

    I first saw George with Dokken at the Danville civic center around that time. They opened up for Donald Roeser another under rated topflight guitarist. We went and saw them with the original Lynch Mob band a few years after that. They were touring with Steeheart. Every time they came top...
  3. jeff alder

    Electric guitar...

    Listen to the whole song if you have time. George is no slouch
  4. jeff alder

    Let’s see a picture of your car!!

    that car has a really nice stance...Along with the other good stuff.
  5. jeff alder

    crank no start

    pull the plug out of the head. Rig it to a good ground with the spark plug wire still attached. Make sure you can see the electrode good while cranking the engine over. What does your spark at the plug look like?
  6. jeff alder

    [FOR SALE] 1965 commando barracuda part out

    Check out post #6 in this listing
  7. jeff alder

    Let’s see a picture of your car!!

    That New Yorker is awesome. Is that beauty restored or original? You don't see those much anymore
  8. jeff alder

    Whats in your backyard? Part 1

    Nice work. It looks great in the daylight or at night.
  9. jeff alder

    Throwing my hat into the ring.

    Don't worry about getting your return money out of probably never will. Just keep it forever. That's a sweet little car and the 4 gear is an exceptionally nice bonus. I would love to own it. Best Wishes
  10. jeff alder

    Whats in your backyard? Part 1

    ah yes time for a trip to the optometrist for Jeff
  11. jeff alder

    [FOR SALE] 1965 commando barracuda part out

    Good Morning Mike, Do you want the PLMOUTH lettering? If I'm out of line on the pricing let me know. Best Regards, Jeff and Karrin
  12. jeff alder

    Whats in your backyard? Part 1

    It looks like one of the pups is shy?
  13. jeff alder


    Don't be too hard on yourself Dan. You only live once...and look at all the interesting discussions you initiate. I would just buy a matchbox car for now just to get everyone off your back until you find the perfect car for you.