Dang.....OJ just kicked over...

There was a thread on FBBO, now gone?
Wherever he is, his location provides new opportunities to find the real killer.:rolleyes:
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I hope Nicole and Ron Goldman are standing next to St. Peter and he lets them push the “down” button on that big elevator!!
Come on guys...The glove didn't fit! Those clowns in the D.A.s office should have never wasted the tax payers money taking him to trial. They probably all rode to work together in a little clown car. They certainly didn't prove he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I wasn't there so I sure don't know whether he did it or not...But if I was in his shoes and I was innocent it would be a good day for justice. I try and remember him from when I sat in the living room on Sundays with my pop, uncles and friends and we watched him run in style.
There was a thread on FBBO, now gone?
Wherever he is, his location provides new opportunities to find the real killer.:rolleyes:
I deleted the first one at the request of the poster. One of the other mods sent the other to the Politics forum.
Come on guys...The glove didn't fit! Those clowns in the D.A.s office should have never wasted the tax payers money taking him to trial. They probably all rode to work together in a little clown car. They certainly didn't prove he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I wasn't there so I sure don't know whether he did it or not...But if I was in his shoes and I was innocent it would be a good day for justice. I try and remember him from when I sat in the living room on Sundays with my pop, uncles and friends and we watched him run in style.
I'd hit Nicole up for a phone number and she said her boyfriend would kill her. Had no idea who she was.
Put 2 and 2 together years later and I'm sure she was right.
Come on guys...The glove didn't fit! Those clowns in the D.A.s office should have never wasted the tax payers money taking him to trial. They probably all rode to work together in a little clown car. They certainly didn't prove he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I wasn't there so I sure don't know whether he did it or not...But if I was in his shoes and I was innocent it would be a good day for justice. I try and remember him from when I sat in the living room on Sundays with my pop, uncles and friends and we watched him run in style.

that guy was guilty as hell.. problem was Marcia Clark and Chris Darden were horrible at their job and totally over matched. should have been fird after that trial, then on top of their incompetence ya had that racist cop Mark Fuhrman testify.. another huge mistake..

i was on night shift at the time so i got to watch quite a bit of the trial.. if i was a juror i couldn't convict him either with the poor job the prosecution did.
Their incompetence was astounding!
Did the glove fit? NO
Do we have a murder weapon? NO
Do we have any eye witnesses? NO
Do we have DNA? NO
Really? you are going to try and convict a guy beyond a reasonable doubt with a jury of his peers without that evidence.
Chris Rocks take on this subject !!

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that guy was guilty as hell.. problem was Marcia Clark and Chris Darden were horrible at their job and totally over matched. should have been fird after that trial, then on top of their incompetence ya had that racist cop Mark Fuhrman testify.. another huge mistake..

i was on night shift at the time so i got to watch quite a bit of the trial.. if i was a juror i couldn't convict him either with the poor job the prosecution did.
A competent jury still should have convicted in this case.
The Bloody Glove having shrunk and with an additional protective glove should never been thought by the DA to be tried on.
The DNA evidence was still solid but in its infancy.
I too watched a ton of the trial as was semi-employed.
The verdict was in retaliation for the acquittal of the white officers that beat Rodney King.
I was at Chavez Ravine the night The Riots started.
I was wasted when I met Nicole and woke the next day remembering some gal Nicole I could hardly figure WTH happened.
I had a weird interest during the trial and felt the verdict was BS.
When OJ was released the 5 or so helicopters around Rockingham was surreal as I had birds eye view while working at Getty Center.

Years later I found this and was a bit heart broken as may haven able to save this woman from an abusive life.

RIP Nicole and Ron.

OJ can rot and I sincerely hope there's a special agony for eternity.

In retrospect the whole Rodney and OJ experience was jacked. During Riots was nuts and I was 60 or so miles north. The Korean liquor store owner on his rooftop with a 30.06 reinforced the notion of a right to bear arms. The looting, fires and mayhem shows how quickly things can deteriorate.

Personally I may just get a bit uckered up and remember Nicole for what that experience was like.
In retrospect the whole Rodney and OJ experience was jacked. During Riots was nuts and I was 60 or so miles north. The Korean liquor store owner on his rooftop with a 30.06 reinforced the notion of a right to bear arms. The looting, fires and mayhem shows how quickly things can deteriorate.

Personally I may just get a bit uckered up and remember Nicole for what that experience was like.
I dont think I was in country yet at that time..
But I remember hearing about the rooftop Koreans, that's my favorite kind