Jon wins E/SA in a Strange Final in Vegas

Had a similar experience racing Pro at the old Moroso Motorsports Park (before it became the now ill-fated PBIR).
Luved going down there for 2-day Events, cuz it was still 1/4-mile racing, while Orlando had turned to 1/8. Easy to find a decent Hotel too.
My home track being Orlando, I would occasionally truck down to there and had some great races, went lotsa rounds.
Made some moolah, but never really won the big bucks but did put alot of locals on the trailer.

I couldn't figure out why every time I would go there, they would park me in the dirt area, while everybody else was directed to the paved areas.
Back then, there were the paved areas and the dirt. I despised being in the dirt, especially with a Black Car.

Apparently, I had hurt more feeling than I realized, cuz one of the last times I went down there, they pulled me aside for eliminations first round.
And I'm figuring, "What the hell is going on? Did I pull into the wrong lane? Did they find some kind of tech problem? Am I leaking fluid? Why is this track guy so damn mad at me?"
Anyway, it was a popular weekend with massive Car count, so I'm parked and waiting on about 20 sets of cars to race. Keep in mind, it's about 150 degrees down there in early Fall and I'm all suited up in a Black 68 Dart GTS. So finally, everybody makes their runs, they motion me to race and here comes the Track Chumpion, some orange Nova.
Turns out he was racing Super Pro and is now just getting back to the lanes to race Pro (they allowed you to race both classed back then).
So, he rips off some .000 type light and leaves me in the weeds. Seems all the Locals are smirking at me as I'm driving back to Dirtville. I get back, ring out my now totally wet from sweat race jacket and power up my alternator-less battery that is low due to me turning on the interior fan to try to cool down.

Not one to give up, yours truly buys back and you guessed it.
Same exact thing happens again. Same lane, same routine, same Orange Nova. Same result (he used his delay, obviously).

Needless to say, I didn't race Moroso for a few years after that. :icon_fU:
