Is it ok to copy a W5 head and make it better or are we just mad at Speedmaster

Probably stating the obvious here but you have to read between the lines sometimes. Regardless of where the castings are made, Speedmaster heads are a less costly initial investment but if you want to get the most out of them you're going to put some time and effort into them which is a different kind of cost. That kind of effort requires 1) experience 2) knowledge 3) time 4) tooling 5) testing equipment 6) real-world time-slip data. I think that idea gets lost in these discussion sometimes. 'Cheap' does not always equal bad but if you take stuff at face value you get what you pay for.

Not everyone has the desire, time or resources to do all that to lower cost parts so they fork over the coin and buy a set of Indys or Victors or whatever and hope for the best. Not many out there are going to give Brett Miller a blank check for a weekend warrior street/strip build but you can't expect the same type of performance from an off-the-shelf parts either. Speed costs money as the saying goes. Again, if you don't have the money for top-shelf stuff then you have to put the effort to get the most out of what you can afford.

There's guys out there that can get factory iron heads into the 9s but they have 100's of hours into them and years of testing.