Is it ok to copy a W5 head and make it better or are we just mad at Speedmaster

The Speedmaster heads aren't a bad piece. @pittsburghracer has done a few. Were they bare castings? The castings are good, the parts not bad as well as the machining. It sounds like they are pretty close to the Edelbrock's. If you are reproducing W2's all you want are castings anyway. Most racers building a W2 small block will want their own valves, springs and components anyway.
When you purchase Chinesium Yak turds ****, you are selling your soul to the communist Chinese guvment. Choose your poison wisely. As for me, I try to avoid that.
Look at Europe and how dependant they were on fuhrer shorty the shirtless for gas to heat their homes. Since they figured out they can not negotiate with tsar bedpan they have been backing off reliance on pootlerstan. Still a bit slow learners though, IMHO.