Is it ok to copy a W5 head and make it better or are we just mad at Speedmaster

Double edged sword for sure…. Having owned 2 sets of W5 heads I can’t get overly excited about your “made in USA” product superiority. I “get” the whole buy local deal and wished we certainly were more able to buy stuff made here, but when your local stuff is crap it’s easy to look elsewhere. Think it was the late Mr Pbody that shared stories of pallets of unusable castings when he was at Ma mopar.
It’s my opinion that China is fully capable of producing good products. Pretty much depends on the expectations involved from their buyer. Kind of like radiators at work. Mopar radiators “FIT”. I’m sure they’re probably made in China, but yet to order a radiator from Autozone or even car quest it always seems to present issues with mounting points. Hose ends undersize….
Kind of like Molnar crankshafts. The cores are made overseas, but they must have found a foundry that takes enough care to provide a good casting for them as you don’t often hear of failures and there are some pretty high hp builds utilizing them.

and anything Brett gets from a W5 head will be vastly improved upon I’m sure. He’s owned them and has lived with their shortfalls. I’m also certain he’ll fight tooth and nail to have them casted here too.
China can 100% make good product. It all depends on the factory that you choose and how much you are willing to pay for the product. Better factory better quality = more expensive, poorer factory poorer quality = less expensive. The biggest issue in China a lot of the times is not the factory itself but the quality control they gave which is usually not the best. The Chinese expect a small percentage of the product they produce to be defective, and that to them is acceptable. To us here it is really not acceptable. That is why you have so many US companies buying raw product in China and finishing it here, these companies tend to have the best reputation in the USA.