More nonsense from NHRA Tech

Whoever on the Tasca crew received the manifolds when NHRA returned them after Gainesville should have requested confirmation of legality from NHRA.
NHRA tech just created a bunch of future work for themselves because teams are going to be demanding written confirmation going forward.
Sometimes it’s best to say nothing until someone else says something.

If tech is on the fence with an issue, they might look the other way if they are having trouble filling the field with competitive cars. You know no one likes a boring show especially a track owner, promoter or vendors for that matter. Drama fills seats with asses. It just happened to one of your favorite racers, eventually it happens to all the racers. In NHRA, winner’s push the envelope. If there is no growth, there is no spectacle, just been there done that.

And as they say in nascar, if you don’t cheat, you don’t want to win bad enough.