A body with an A833 and a Gear Vendor installed

I will check into the TKX. I really haven't even given it a consideration because I am running buckets and don't want to end up with an obviously "weird" lookin tunnel under the carpet. The gearset from Passon is now over 3K. I still don't know why he doesn't list it on his website but he did say he will ship them separately out the door. I am going to check the TKX next.

I don't think you'll have a weird tunnel at all. Look up some threads here. The only way I found the OD gesrset was an Motortrend article. I called Jamie about them and I waited like 8 mos. I thought it was going to be the cheapest way to get OD, but after sourcing the actual 4 spd and conversion parts, I would've been better ahead with a tkx