MegaSquirt (MS3) or Holley HP EFI

@DNasty777 what don’t you like about the terminator x?

First one was DOA (which I hear is quite common), if I had installed it a week later Holley would have charged me for a replacement. Their CAN protocol is proprietary, they really want to lock you into their ecosystem. That’s fine for a lot of people, for most probably, but I like to do weird stuff. Their documentation is really good, especially if you are doing a run of the mill Chevy setup. Once you stray though, it’s not much help. Their documentation on their site is also now at least one revision behind.

The price point is weird, for like $200 more you can get an EcuMaxx Race or Haltech Rebel LS.

It’s probably just buyers remorse, but now the EcuMaxx natively supports the 8HP, and that’s the direction I’m going.