Are you a narcissist?

Too bad there isn’t a test to point out the habit that SOME people have of monopolizing conversations.
I’ve met too many clueless people that ramble on and on about themselves and what they think without letting anyone around them speak.
That **** pisses me off and too damn many people do this.
I don’t think that ALL of them that do this are narcissistic. Some are just clueless to the possibility that someone else might want to speak.
Some might just talk because they are nervous.
I was in a truck with a guy I normally get along fine with and that dude blabbed 90% of the time. I just got tired of trying to vie for air time so I clammed up and tuned out. Finally he asked me what I thought about one of the countless stupid topics he rattled on about and I unloaded on him.
He was shocked. He didn’t know why I was pissed and that made me even MORE pissed. Stupid. Clueless. Oblivious to his surroundings.
He isn’t a narcissist, just ignorant.
Is there a test for that?
I started becoming aware of the blabbermouths in the mid 90s when I was divorced and meeting new people. I was quick to disqualify prospective women based on this trait. It is non negotiable with me. I can be happy with a woman carrying a bit of weight or if she isn’t really pretty but I will not deal with a woman that only shows concern for herself and disregards others.