Rest In Peace to my cat Copper Girl


Car Nut

Mopar Master
Dec 28, 2018
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She past away three days ago in her sleep Wednesday May 10th between 8:30am-9:30am. She almost made it to her 6th Birthday today.

May 13, 2017 - May 10, 2023.










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I'm not a cat person. But I had a loss a couple months ago. A cat that was dropped of at my house 5 years ago. My son took from a gal he was fancied on, but that could no longer care for. So now it was my problem. This cat was a mess. Half blind, could not hear. And was skinny close to death. I cared for and lived another 5 years. Even with can't see and can't hear? Her nose was that of a bloodhound. And ate like a horse. And would bug the crap out of me if i had something to eat. Until she got a nibble too. And I wanted her gone for many years. She passed a couple months ago at the age of near 23.

I have to admit it was a somber time. And still miss that freaking rat mess.

And of course condolences on loss

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Sorry for your loss. It never ceases to amaze me how these little fur balls can get wrapped up in our heart strings so much. We have a little Heinz 57 rescue mutt and a cat that was an abandoned kitten at my inlaws’ farm.
Deepest sympathies. Losing a loved pet is never easy. 6 years is very young, but looked loved. Beautiful kitty.
I'm sorry for your loss ..such a beautiful cat ...they are really like family..
Sorry for you loss.

Cats are funny. We have a couple that everytime we leave for a while or a long while either, they are always waiting for us in their spots fairly close to the gate. I have one that is always within 50 feet or so of me when out side. We have some that stay with the goat herds. Wife has one that will sleep up under her chin under the cover. The dash hound has one that is hjs best buddy. He washes his face every am. Go figure.
Whenever I read a post like this, and I am sorry for your lost, it makes me more appreciative of the fur babies that I have that comfort me. You can always tell by the cat's coat she was well loved.
So sorry for your loss. 6 is way too young for a cat. I had one I lost at 5 from liver and kidney failure. Just nothing we could do. It still hurts. You have my condolences.
Condolences. Our animal friends enrich our lives so much, and they understand us on a level we can't comprehend.
When our beloved pets cross the Rainbow Bridge, it's a sad day. I've found that remembering all of the good times the wife and I had with our three cats helps a lot. We talk about our fur babies and remember their antics so we can laugh at their accomplishments during the time they were loved by us. Condolences on your loss.
So sorry for your loss. We have 3 cats and they get on my nerves sometimes but still love them.
Thank you guys, it’s hard losing a pet, especially that young. The place that we had her cremated couldn’t believe a 6 year old cat past, Copper should’ve lived three times that long. We’re not sure what caused her death. Around two months ago, I was throwing her toy around for her to chase. She was running and enjoying batting her toy when she started acting odd like she was having a stroke or a seizure. We brought her into the ER Vet and they couldn’t find anything. Two weeks later, me brought her into our regular vet and they didn’t find anything. I’m thinking she had a heart attack. She weigh around 12 pounds but with her fur she was a big fluff ball.
Wow what a pretty girl, I feel for you. Losing them is too hard
My second biggest hope after seeing family again after I die is getting all my kitties back, I can say for a fact my cats have made me a better human being!!!