Found my dads original 1971 duster!



Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2024
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ontario canada
Hey all! Just joined this forum. I’ve been using it for infuriation for a few months, so I figured I’d join. I’m not sure where or his to post properly, so I’ll give it a try!
I found my dads Duster that he had when I was a kid. It’s a very cool story. If anyone is interested, I’d be happy to write a post sharing how it came to be!
I’m in the process of having it restored and would like sone help with the fended tag, if possible! Thanks in advance! I’ve included a picture of the tag :)

Looks like I butchered a few other words too, before posting. I should proof read. Lol. It won’t let me edit my posts from my phone. Sorry guys. Lol. A bad start means a good finish!
Welcome to fabo. Spill the beans man, let’s hear this cool story. No need to start another thread just stick it right here.
Welcome from Alberta.
Pretty cool to find your dad's old Duster, post some pics of the car as found as well as the story behind it.
Thanks for the welcoming messages! Here goes:

Part 1

So my parents split when I was young and my brothers went to live with our mother….while I chose to live with my dad. Shortly after the breakup, he bought the 1971 duster. I had so many amazing memories of burnouts, getting dropped off at school, getting picked up from school and feeling like the coolest kid while riding around in that car!
When I reached the age of 23 (25 years ago)….I asked dad what happened to the duster. He told me that he had sold it to a lady friend that lived beside my grandparents. I knew this lady and knew her son fairly well…and actually had him working for me for a few weeks at the time. I decided then that I’d like to try to buy the car back and restore it with my dad. I asked the guy if his mom would sell me the car and he said “it’s not in very good shape…and it’s been sitting since your dad sold it to us”. I told him that I really wanted it regardless of the condition, as I wanted to have a full restoration done on it. The conversation ended with him saying that he’d ask his mom for me….
Part 2

Approximately 2-3 weeks later, my dad and I were sitting outside….and what do we see drive by on a flatbed truck….his 1971 B5 blue duster! I immediately called the guy and asked where the heck the car was going. His reply “sorry man. A hydro crew was in at moms place working on the power lines and one of the guys made her an offer and bought the car”. Now you can all imagine how impressed I was with that…
My uncle at the time worked for hydro, so I asked him to look up what crew was at that address, on that particular day. He got me a list of names and I started making phone calls. After a few phone calls….I found the guy who bought the car! I told him the story of my childhood memories in the car, my desire to rebuild it with my dad and the fact that I had actually been trying to buy it at the time he scooped it up. I asked him if he would consider selling me the car and told him that I’d pay basically whatever he needed to part with it. He was very short and unwelcoming to all of it. All he would say is “I’m stripping it down and selling it for parts”. I explained that I’d pay whatever the number was that he thought he could get for it in parts….without him having to touch a thing. He flat out refused to even hear it and quickly ended our phone call. My dreams of buying the duster back and rebuilding it with my dad were gone….just like that
Part 3

This is the very sad part of the story….that is hard for me to write, but it leads to something truly amazing and special
So fast forward 25 years, to the year 2022. I get talking with my dad one day about the old duster again and I asked him if he had any pictures of the car. His reply “No I don’t, but I sure wish I did”
Approximately 3-4 weeks later, my father passed away very unexpectedly .
Once I got the strength up….came the dreaded task of cleaning out his house and sorting out all of the affairs that go along with losing a loved one. My wife took on the vast majority of the tasks….without her, I’m not sure how I could have coped or dealt with things
While going through his belongings….guess what we find. 2 pictures that he obviously had forgotten all about…of the B5 blue 1971 duster!
After a few weeks of coping and trying to get over the loss, I decided that I’d like to have a duster built, in memory of my father and the times we had together while ripping up the streets in it….in our small country town. I’d build the car exactly as I remembered it…with these new found pictures in hand, to reference from
Then an idea hits me…..
Part 4

I think to myself “Hey, I know the girl who runs the local license bureau near me. I’ll get her to look up my dads vehicle history and see if she can find the duster on it. Then with the VIN number, I could buy the used vehicle package for the car, that lists all previous owners as well as the current owner” Maybe someone has restored it over the past 25 years…and I can buy it back!
I head up to her office…and sitting on the counter is a list of all of my dads vehicles that he’s ever owned….included in that list is the 1971 Duster! I get her to print out the sheet with the current owner on it….and low and behold….it’s still in the hydro workers name!! Im kind of excited at this point, but although it’s in his name, the car was never licensed again or put back on the road. So at this point, the answer seems obvious…..he did what he said he was going to do all those years ago…and has parted it out . But there’s only one way to find out…I have to phone him again and ask the question. So after speaking with him last, 25 years earlier….it’s time to track down his phone number again
Part 5

In this day and age, I quickly Google and find the guys phone number. He lives 30 minutes from my house! So 25 years after initially trying to buy the car from him…

I dial his number again:

“Hello, ____. You won’t remember me, but 25 years ago you bought my dads 1971 Plymouth’s duster…”

“Ya…and you tried to buy it off me and I told you I was going to strip it down and sell it for parts”

“Wow. You remember me! Well listen, my father has passed recently and I’d like to have a car built in his memory. It wouldn’t mean much without a part or 2 from his actual car being included in the build. Any chance you still have some parts left from it?”

“I still have the entire car. I’ve never touched a thing on it”

Sooooo now the goosebumps and emotions start up!! Wow!!

“Oh my. No way! Is there any chance I can buy the car from you? It would mean the absolute world to me”

“Nope. I think I’m going to strip it down and sell it for parts”

WOWWWWW. At this point, I’m pretty much speechless!!
Part 6

After pretty much begging him to sell me the car and asking why he would deny me this again, he asks how I got his phone number. I tell him that 25 years ago, I got it from my uncle who worked for hydro. He asks my uncles name…I tell him and he says “oh, I know Tom. Do you know Nancy?”
I reply “yes, nancy is my mom!”
He replies “oh, I went to school with her!”
So to keep from boring everybody. It still took a few months to convince him to sell it to me…and a big part of why he did was because when I went to introduce myself…his wife popped her head over his shoulder and said “Derek??” She was my guidance councillor in highschool! Lol
There’s a lot more cool stuff to the story, but in the end, I picked up the car and it is now nearing completion :))). It was still all original, with its “virgin” 340, as the engine builder called it. (never been touched). After sitting for all of those years, we put a breaker bar on it and it turned over without hesitation!
I’m supposed to pick the car up 2nd week of may. My dads ashes will be along for the ride :))
Thanks for telling the story. It’s awesome. Now we need pics!!!
Post them right here with the story !!!