Is it ok to copy a W5 head and make it better or are we just mad at Speedmaster

I personally don’t have a problem with China, or any other country manufacturing and selling products in the United States, as long as they don’t identify as the original manufacturer.

Look at Engine Quest for example selling Magnum heads.
They are very close to the original Magnum head, but they don’t advertise as or say anything about Chrysler on them.

I’m not pissed at China on the subject of the trans brake valve bodies, as I know how China rolls, and I know that Speed Master sells cheap junk copies.
As a buyer I can decide if I want to give my money to a possibly inferior copy.
Some copies are great products.

But as an example, if I went down to the gun store and bought a Smith and Wesson and it had Smith and Wesson name and logo on it I’d be pissed at the gun store if it was a Chinese copy.

Hence, F Speed Master.
My problem with Chinesium **** is it comes from a pretty much unfriendly adversary country. These companies are affiliated with the CCP guvment, so their profits prop up and aid Xi Wanshortdong and his aspirations to take the US of A down.
If you want to set up a business in China you put up the capital but require a China born partner. This partner will undoubtedly be a member of the CCP or PLA. Said partner retains 51% ownership of "your" company. So why do the US and Canada allow Chinese interests to purchase resource companies, leases for resource development, farm land and large profitable corporations. They tend not to employ western citizens, but send Chinese to work.
Poor countries in Africa have signed contracts to get say port dredging and dock infrastructure improvements done. This was anticipating that their poor as dirt citizens would be hired, earn wages, gain experience and pay taxes. Nope. The Chinese company brought their employees and supplied accomodations with meals. Virtually no money came back to these poor countries. Some have been talked into a rail line that goes to nowhere, and sold as to tie into the belt and road initiative. As with the port work, if the country can not pay, part of the contract states that the Chinese company or basically China gains control of the port or rail for something like 100 years to pay the debt. LOAN SHARK ****!!
Thus I am an avoid Chinesium crap as much as possible.
Try to purchase socks that are not made in China. 3 months later there is all of a sudden a 1" hole in the heel and they are a stinker to darn if you can figure out how to. Rebok, Nike and Adidas running shoes that had been Made in the USA could last 7 years of daily running. The replacements when they finally worn out are made in China and are shot every year. So the consumer is paying 6× for Chinese crap. My only explanation for the situation is that clothing is all made out of recycled Yak turds!
Enough of the bullshit out of China!!