408 rebuild

Honestly, it’s just a number. In a well sorted car 500 hp will easily get you into roll bar territory. Not sure of your end goal.
Agreed, and the car already has a bar in it! Glad you asked though, because that really does make a difference. This car is mostly street, shows, that kind of thing. It may see the strip every blue moon or so. To be honest, I've been planning out a 500+ hp car for a while, but I'm now kind of wondering if putting $5-7K for an additional 100 +/- hp is worth it. I've got other things I want to do with it, so maybe I'll just postpone this for a little while. It really got me thinking about it when 273 suggested just selling this one and starting fresh. I may still do a couple minor things like changing out the intake for something that breathes better, but after chatting with you guys I might focus more on other things on my bucket list and worry about the motor somewhere down the line. Still, I appreciate everyone's input!