Tie rod adjusting sleeves



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 6, 2021
Reaction score
Hampshire County, WV
Anyone else having issues with tie rod adjusting sleeves and threading the tie rod ends? I have a Original Performance Super Front End Kit (FEKSSDOD631) and both of the sleeves have one end that will not thread the tie rod end. The other end went in super easy, tried one of the other ends and same problem so it's not the tie rod end.



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Did you try spinning the tie rod in backwards aka counter clockwise?

Yes I did. One end reverse thread went in like a dream...(on both the left and right) but the other end, regardless of direction, would not go in smoothly. Checked for burs on the end thread, none noted. Tried some graphite grease to move things along and that didn't help either. Thought I might be able to run it through and resolve, but that was a bench vice and pliers to rotate effort. Somehow that doesn't seem right

Sleeve clamps were completely loose.

(note that I always assume I'm doing something wrong.... )
Yes I did. One end reverse thread went in like a dream...(on both the left and right) but the other end, regardless of direction, would not go in smoothly. Checked for burs on the end thread, none noted. Tried some graphite grease to move things along and that didn't help either. Thought I might be able to run it through and resolve, but that was a bench vice and pliers to rotate effort. Somehow that doesn't seem right

Sleeve clamps were completely loose.

(note that I always assume I'm doing something wrong.... )

Ok, did you end up getting 4 of the same tie rod in the kit? As you know 2 right thread and 2 left thread…
Some images of the @PST install and one of the originals.







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I would measure threads on everything. And like DI said, looks like you've stacked boots on too of tie rod end? In several pics?
Are those the "as left" lengths of the 2 tie rod assemblies?
I hope not as both assemblies should very close if not the same length when the alignment is finished
I would measure threads on everything. And like DI said, looks like you've stacked boots on too of tie rod end? In several pics?


No double stacked anything though... assembled as per the TSM.

Can you mark up a photo with what you're referring to?