Recent content by peedee

  1. peedee

    Vin letters question.

    Yes in Australia as well they have to be over 25 years old to remain left hand drive, or have a special dispensation, my father bought a used 1955 Chevy that was 5 years old and had to convert it to right hand drive, as it had been used as a US consulate car it had the special dispensation until...
  2. peedee

    funny pictures

    Another pile of pics I found
  3. peedee

    Random pictures thread

    Just a few
  4. peedee

    funny pictures

    A few more
  5. peedee

    funny pictures

    Just a few I found that I thought might give a laugh
  6. peedee

    funny pictures

    Found these couple the comments about the cyber truck had to be left out
  7. peedee

    funny pictures

    A couple
  8. peedee

    I hate BMW’s

    Try a Volkswagen the whole front including the radiator intercooler trans cooler need to come off to access anything below 2 inches from the top of the motor at the front, the inner guard liner needs to come out to change the serpentine belt
  9. peedee


    Glad I’m not the only one who notices and hates it
  10. peedee

    Less Well Known Car Chases With Mopars

    In australia it became mandatory to use a seatbelt from 1st of January 1971
  11. peedee

    Random pictures thread

    That’s what we call them in Australia as well leaves make good jam(jelly)
  12. peedee


    It is funny how you become accustomed to the speed in a very short time on the train as it is so smooth it does not feel as if you are going that fast
  13. peedee

    Dog images - pics drawings and cartoons

    I love this as this is just what happened after our previous girl passed after 12 years I wanted to wait a while the boss lady was on the pound site and within 2 weeks we had our Gucci