Gets hot and stalls out

Here is the video of what I described earlier about the fuel filter filling with vapors on standard pump gas with alcohol.

New video by Dana Nance
Oh yeah, check that out. I see what you mean.

Thanks to everyone for the posts; I'm sorry I haven't responded to all of them. I've had to work (SEMI-retired, so still work) and I'm in the middle of a full-blown home renovation, so things are busy. Contractors should be done with their part today but I'm building all the kitchen cabinets; got all the lower carcasses done and working on the wall cabinets now. Anyway, an update, as much as I can give one: I got all the parts and tools in, but really haven't had time to do much with it. I'm hoping to do some tomorrow, but that'll depend on a few things. I'm out of town for work next week so it's going to be a bit before I can really focus on it. I'm very hopeful that the spacer, SS lines, and insulation will fix it but am still interested in looking at the rest (temps on the radiator, timing, etc). Thanks again for the posts and keep them coming, because (as you all have gathered) I've got a lot to learn and every little bit helps!