Prayers for Mrs. Jaimus



Old School ASE Gold
Oct 12, 2010
Reaction score
Hadlyme, CT, USA
My Cuz and bestest bud says Its about time I let this out somewhere lest It eat me up,.... A few months back my wife of 8 months, Pam, was diagnosed with thyroid Cancer,...the big "C"".... scared the crap outa both of us,...after coutless trips to the local hospital and numerous docs, we finally got into Smilow Cancer Center down in New Haven.
Awesome place, wife likes the docs down there, professional, straight shooters, and friendly.

The bad,...Said she has, 96 % chance of cancer of the thyroid glands in her neck.

The good,..nothing spead to the vocal chords or the lymph nodes (very bad). Told us if your gonna have cancer, this is one of the better types. (???...didn't think there was a good kind)
She goes in on tuesday for a 4 hour operation,....supposed to be home on wednesday. Back on her feet by next week. The oldest is coming up from Brooklyn to help out and just be around.

Not asking for anything cept some well wishes, a coupla kind words to the big guy, hope and a little bit of coping hints.

If ya noticed, this is why I been on here a bit more,...I need to be close case she needs anything. (And yes, she does read over my shoulder while I'm on here doing my homework for the FD and the Spacer),....Jaimus
From my family to yours Prayers are being said. If you need to talk pm me and I will send you my number.
My wife had a go around with breast cancer a while back. Catching it early is the key. Follow the docs orders for any and all testing after the surgery. Do your research on any of the meds they want to prescribe her. Be there for her. If she wants you to take a walk with her and you are busy, stop what ever it is you are doing and take a walk with her. Ernie treated her problem as just a small bump in the road of life. She did not let it consume her. We went to the doc, found out what was going on and the decision was made right then and there to get it taken care of. She did not really even want to discuss it with me, I would suggest just asking your wife if she wants to talk about things, don't just push her into a conversation over it. I wish her, and you, the best of luck. Keep your head up, and DON"T worry excessively over it as it will not help either one of you.....if you feel the need to talk to someone please just ask....
..............So sorry to hear this prayers are sent to u guys and the health care proffesionals operating and taking care of your
Prayers sent for your wife and you. Sounds like she has a good chance of beating it! Good Luck!
We're here for you both! Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything. Best wishes for a speedy and thorough recovery. :-D
Prayers sent for a successful outcome. And will be thinking of you too. It is very rough on us when our loved ones have problems.DD
Prayers are on their way for you and Mrs. Jaimus. Keep both of your attitudes positive.

Friends and family can be a big help too!! :thumleft:
Thanx to alla yous guys and dolls,....Took momma out for mexican tonight, tomorrow is a movie, beers and wings, her fav,......She'll be on applesauce and water for a few days after.

She has a tendency to stress before a big event, so I'm keepin her busy.
Prayers for a full recovery. Oldest daughter had a MRI a few weeks ago to check her thyroid. Looks to not be a issue now, but i understand the stress that these things in life bring.