Still gets hot!!!!



Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2014
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OK guys i still can't seem to get this pig to stay cool! It's a 440 stuffed into a demon. I put in a brand new aluminum 26 inch 3 row radiator with 2 10 inch fans and a shroud, new water pump, top hose and thermostat (195), filled up with pure distilled water. I have driven it a couple miles home at dusk when it was cool outside and it ran 195 perfect the whole way home steady cruise 40 miles per hour. Then today I just took it down to the gas station to fill er up which is right down the road. 80 degrees and a little humid, brought it back and took the hood off to check the tranny fluid, put the hood back on and went not even a mile and back and the thing was slowly climbing, i pulled it in and shut it off at about 230 ish. What is going on??
Do you have a hood to rad support seal, if not try using foam rubber as a test
. It seems that if you don't have a seal hot air from under the hood will come out from under the hood lip and be pulled back through the rad causing it to get hotter and then it gets sucked through again and gets even hotter,ask me how I know he is LOL
You got a spring in the bottom hose?
Ok I can try that. My hood is held on by 4 hood pins and also has a hood scoop. even when the hood is off the engine still seems to be putting off a ton of heat, more than usual i think.
Yes I do have a spring in the bottom hose
My car has a fiberglass hood as well (lift off and held down with Dzuse connectors and hood pins) and is not sealed to the carb (yet), this made a big difference o mine. I just glued foam rubber on the underside of my hood so it seals to the rad support.
Ok Ill give that a shot, where can i get foam rubber?
just sounds like your thermostat stuck if it went up that fast.Do you have one of those aluminum shrouds that block half your rad?Do both fans total 3000 cfm?
give a pic of your set up.
Well it didn't go up that fast. I had it idling in the driveway for 5 minutes or so, hung around 190 and as soon as i put the hood on and went for a drive it started to climb. Will post pics in a minute.
Here it is


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i keep seeing this.How can any air get through the blocked half of that rad?
Maybe try removing the shroud and put 6 or 7 blade solid fan on. Mount it about an inch from the rad.
Thats how i had it originally but it still didn't work
hmmm..with a stock fan it slowly climbed to 230 plus?
maybe thermostat sticking or only partially opening?
how high did you let it go?
I do not see the vacuum advance hooked up. Retarded timing = heat in heads and engine compartment. The advance will give several degrees at light load, off idle, but will not effect wide open throttle timing.
I believe that its just a mechanical advance distributor because there isn't anywhere to connect a line to the distributor. Could that still be the problem
ir3333 to answer your question yes it did. Today i didn't go over 230 i don't think. (no numbers between 190-250 on the gauge)
I'm not entirely sure if the gauge is accurate but I believe it is. On my old setup she used to puke around 240 when shut off
First place I would look is the T stat.

Installed the right direction?

Did you check it in boiling water with a thermometer before you tossed it in?

Folks have been getting a lot of bad stats lately.
I've had the thermostat replaced I think 3 times in 2 years. Yes it is installed the right way and it also has 2 holes drilled in it. I have had the motor running for quite a while and it can stay at 190 for awhile but sometimes it will get hot when i drive it a little ways.
Strange indeed. That accordion hose on there isn't the best idea, but certainly isn't the whole problem. I know you said new pump too, but there have been issues with those too.

There was a guy here a while back that chased a problem like yours, he finally pulled the water pump again and discovered the impeller was slipping on the shaft.