How would you handle


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
A little off the car but not really.

How would you guys handle an acquaintance who just drops in at random times.

A guy I know who is a fellow mopar guy, but hasn't worked on his dart in over ten years just drops by.

Then he wants to walk around the yard looking at everything and has a comment for everything.

He watches mecum auctions on tv and says "we can make a ton of money, selling all these cars" gee I guess I missed the memo when it became "we" without me realizing.

When I'm working in the shop and he drops by, I have to stop and babysit. I feel creeped out with him watching me work. Last summer he dropped in and I figured I would have him help me. He does everything *** backwards from the way I like things done, he has a comment about everything.
I tell him i don't have time for him and he says "i don't want to keep you" but then lingers on talking for another hour. Then he hints to be invited to dinner. He has wretched B.O.

Comments on and asks questions about things that are really personal and none of his business.

He is making me feel like I need to make it look like no one is home so my life doesn't get interrupted.

I tolerate because I have known him a long time, he helped me out long time ago when I was first starting out and in auto school. He is also a Christian man which I appreciate. I don't dislike him but the freaking dropping in and ruining my evenings needs to stop and he starting to drop by later and later. I have been in my PJs and he wants a tour of the yard because he is bored and has no regard that I am a busy person and I don't have time for his ****. Today he brought a buddy and I didn't like the friend, looked shady as hell.

I have told him multiple times that I don't really like the drop ins and I don't appreciate people I don't know in my yard. A few summers ago I went to his house and it was a fun day in his shop even though his shop is a complete mess so not something I want to frequent and says how he works.

What would you guys do?
I think you are doing the right thing. Keep that up. Tough situation. I hate alienating people but sometimes you have to. It usually aint pretty and I always regret it.
I have people that will do the same thing if I let them. Come over hang out and take up my day. Usually I will tell them I have to leave cause I've got to be some where. I'll go have a coffee and return home.
Maybe just tell him like it you said it here,
You don’t like it when:
He stops by un invited
He brings over folks you don’t know
He interrupts work you are doing.
Sometimes the best way is the direct way, if you want to remain in contact with him tell him that together you two will make a plan to do something together, and then do it.
If you do not want to remain in contact with him, just tell him about his bad BO.
It really depends on what you want the outcome to be. Since you asked what we would do, I will tell you what I would do; first I would have a very blunt "heart to heart" with him end with with something to the effect that this situation either changes or he is not welcome to stop by.

Dealing with people is a lot harder that most would like to admit. I spent well over 2 decades in the US Army and dealing with people on especially personal issues can be very difficult. Yeah, we can all say this or that and come off like bad asses (especially online) but in the real world not many will.

There is a certain segment of the population who seem to gravitate towards taking advantage of others, especially those who are easy going and open. Normally this isn't an issue until you run into someone like this. It starts slow, perhaps they help you at a time when you really need it and then in their mind you owe them for a lifetime.

In short, there is no easy way to deal with this, you must confront it head on or put up with it.
just tell him about his bad BO.
The only reason that bothers me is because he a hugger. I am one those people who is NOT. I'm usually like... don't freaking touch me.

But to be nice, one time I was like, ok, what could it hurt and OMG... NO!!
Had a similar circumstance. I just said I enjoyed his company, but I really needed a heads up before a visit. And sometimes when he called, I just said I was really busy, and right now would not work. But every once in a while, I'd call him up and say let's go to lunch. Worked out fine.
I might try starting with being very firm that you do not want him bringing strangers around. You will have to be firm but you want to still be nice about it.

Tough situation for sure.
The only reason that bothers me is because he a hugger. I am one those people who is NOT. I'm usually like... don't freaking touch me.

But to be nice, one time I was like, ok, what could it hurt and OMG... NO!!
I was intending to add a bit of humor,,, if his BO is bad, you should tell him, a fix could be as simple as using a deodorant. Likely other folks are advoiding him also because of that, so fix that and maybe he will find more friends.
some only get the message when it's served without toppings
That's a tough situation, understandable how you would feel creeped out, I certainly would not appreciate the "we" reference, and the idea of bringing along a total stranger raises big red flags in my mind. I can't imagine the feeling from a woman's perspective, but I would be pretty pissed off by now and would have probably have told him to get lost and not come back. I don't trust people a whole lot, but my wife is almost fanatical when it comes to lack of trust when it comes to strangers, while I sometimes think she's overreacting, I do trust her instincts, and of course my own.
Mt wife absolutely HATES it when someone "just stops by", no matter who it is, especially if it's later in the evening.
1. Do nothing and be miserable.
2. Move
3. Have a talk with him and explain your position. (print out your post and hand it to him)
4. Find an old beater car and work the heck out of him till he don't come back.
5. Along the same lines, save every **** detail work for him.
6. Have someone else talk to him for you.
7. If it becomes a fear thing (yes I know it's only paper) get a restraining order.
8. Have him trespassed.
I used to have similar problem, on weekends when I was off from work I'd have alot of buddies coming over and it would keep me from getting the work done I had planned on my cars, sometimes it came in handy and I'd get help, other times we would end up talking about cars all day and my work time would be lost. As life would have it, I ended up moving 60 miles south of my hometown, now I miss people stopping by like it used to be, not many Mopar people around here and I don't know the ones I've met very well. I still go up and see my buddies sometimes, and once in a blue moon one will come to see me but usually a buddy stopping by will run its course. Sometimes getting older brings loneliness, I miss the way things used to be.
I'm gonna wager that if you tell him you can't give him a tour of the yard because you have to get some work done before you go out with your boyfriend later that night, and are suddenly busy because date night all the time, he'll stop dropping by so much.

This should open the door to stop the hugging, too. Offer a fist bump or high five or kick in the crotch along with your explanation that this isn't comfortable for you, if he persists.

If you're gay and he knows it, the above still applies and have your boyfriend description ready. he doesn't need to know about your romantic life and it's supposed to be in his Christian value set to stay out of it, so call him on that. Hire a buddy to be the boyfriend if need be. Line this fella up before you start describing.

I'd flat out tell him, and you don't need to be rude to do so, don't bring people here again or you won't be bringing you here again. You don't need tools, parts, and sense of security disappearing. Anyone that knows me knows strangers are apt to end up being escorted off property immediately.
This is simple. Lay down the law with this guy. Be direct and make your expectations crystal clear. Tell him that you will call him when he can visit, without the +1. Get an alligator, feed it raw meat and call it your new dog.
It can be uncomfortable to initiate a confrontation. It is even more difficult when the other person is an elder, one that we are traditionally encouraged to respect.
Tough situation for certain.
You could tell B/O Bob that he needs to CALL before he visits, but then the stinky bastard has your number.
You could close up the garage when he shows up and say that you have to get ready for some event. (Dinner/movie/miniature golf, etc) If he says he will join in....Oh crap, what then?
I suspect that you are polite and accommodating to him out of respect. He may be ignorant of your disgust. Many people are clueless and dumb as ****. They have to be hit in the face to get the point. I've known guys over the years that were unbelievably slow to take hints. They'd come around at the wrong time and stay too long. My Mother often said don't wear out your welcome and that has always stuck with me. I always call before I show up and I don't stay too long. I'm guessing that this unwashed loser isn't married, right?
As an aside to this....
I've had this ongoing fantasy about being able to temporarily jump into another person's body and live as them for awhile, just to see how they live. Sort of like walking a mile in their shoes. The thought of this often has me acting super aggressive when the person's normal demeanor is sweet and polite. I've thought about doing the opposite as well: Being nice to people that the "host" has alienated over the years to mend strained relationships.
Strange fantasy, yeah....But an interesting concept to me.
In your case, it might be fun to do the following:
B/O Bob walks up while you are in the garage working on the Dart.
"Hey, whatcha doin there? Hows about a hug?" Bob leans in, you step back.
"Hello, Bob....I was just wrapping up, I have to get going.", wiping your hands on your pants.
"Plans? Bob says Where are WE going tonight?" he says with a grin.
You roll your eyes. "Uhh, WE aren't going anywhere. I'm meeting some friends for dinner. Sorry, I have to go." B/O Bob isn't deterred.
"Rani, I'm hungry.... I could eat...." Bob smiles and anxiously awaits an invitation.
"Bob, you could do a lot of things....Bathe, use a stronger deodorant, learn to respect other people's time, visit someone else, get a girlfriend, take up chainsaw juggling or alligator wrestling, all sorts of things."
B/O Bob is standing there with a stupid look on his face. He says:
"So what are you trying to say?"

Angry Chink.jpg
Get a Big dog.
A Doberman is a super smart and loyal dog so is a Dalmation.

I think the guy is caseing your place.
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Best guard dog I ever had. He would get between my wife and any person he didn't know untill called off.
He loved to ride anything. He would sit in the seat of the riding mower with his feet on the stearing wheel. I would have the wheels cranked hard left out in the front pasture. Then I'd start the blades in low gear and turn him loose. The front wheels would work out a little each circle. The cars on the road would almost have ply ups from slowing down and staring.
He would ride it as long as I let him.
If you were to slow when you grabbed the wheel barrel he was in it seated ready to ride. lol. He was a character.
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