Does the father of the bride give a gift to the mother of the bride? What did you do?



'71 Dart GT Fan
May 29, 2004
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Our 1st born daughter, Kaitlin, is getting married on Saturday. This is our only daughter. Do I need to give a gift to her mother (my wife)? If so, what? Flowers? Jewelry? What did you do?
i have never heard of such a thing, and i dont think it is necessary
for one, this is Kaitlins day, not her moms

secondly...this day will be expensive enough as it is (just kidding of course)

having said all this, this may be somewhat of a bittersweet day for her mom (especially if Kaitlin still lives with you guys and wont move out until she gets married)

i dont know how much your wife sees her identity wrapped up in "being the mother" but if this day will turn her into an empty nester, that may have a negative effect on her

so my suggestion would be to save the special gifts for a week or so after she gets married
maybe take your wife on a second honeymoon, or just a long weekend
I can't say I've ever heard of this.
My wife and I did give a special gift to our sons wife on their wedding day.
Our daughter in laws parents are both deceased, her dad killed on a auto accident when she was 3 and her mother passed from heath issues when she was 12. She was passed around to relatives, met my son in high school and basically hung out at my house her jr and sr years of high school.
If it hadn't been for that circumstance, we wouldn't have done what we done.
Actually you owe the grooms family a dowry. I am still waiting for my wifes family to cut the check! For some reason they dont keep in touch.
When you get done paying for the wedding, all you'll have left to give is a handshake for the mother of the bride. :(
No kidding
Especially in this day of fakebook, everyone wants the most expensive wedding

Me and my wife didn't care for it, and I can proudly say, our wedding didn't cost us a dime, and at least she got her moneys worth
There are probably a few things the Mother of the Bride can use right about now. Have you thought of:

New Dress $$$$
New Shoes $$$$$
New Purse $$$
New Hat $$
New Belt $
New Coat $$
Expensive trip to the Hair Salon $$
Expensive Manicure $
Expensive Make up $$
New Perfume $$

Or has all of that already been taken care of?

Maybe you're the one who can use a new pair of socks.......

and Congratulations!
I say nothing because it's your Daughters Day, That's where the focus should be. Of course I'm of the mind that I don't even give my Wife a card on Mothers Day because she's not my Mom :) :)
Of course I'm of the mind that I don't even give my Wife a card on Mothers Day because she's not my Mom :) :)

I tell my wife to get me something for mother's day...because if it wasn't for me, she wouldn't be a mother in the first place
Don't get her a gift. On the wedding night, when you go to bed, just hold her. She'll need that.
Lots of wisdom here, thanks!

Our daughter is very level-headed and doesn't really care about the "big show". In fact, she was somewhat relieved that Covid-19 reduced the 150 person wedding reception down to 27 people.

My wife and I have been "empty nesters" since both kids went to college (Kaitlin in 2012 & Zachary in 2014), graduated (2016 & 2018 respectively) and moved out of state (Chicago & Boston respectively) for their careers.

I think ragtopfury gave me the best advice. The night of the wedding I will hold my wife and we'll reflect back on how very blessed & fortunate we are.

Thanks all!
Well.....she's your wife, so give know....LOL
I let mine go straight to bed (to sleep) after we got home ;-) (mother of the groom though, so maybe mother of the bride has different rules?)