Another Mouth To Feed....



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
Reaction score
Right at Christmas, too. Not what we needed, but we caint turn him away. Just a real sweet cat. Just wandered up the driveway today. He's hung out all day, so we think somebody dropped him off. He's in the fold now. Bein cold out now, we caint let him just stay out. Probably give it a few days to make sure none of the neighbors come lookin for him, but I don't think that's gonna happen. Kitty wants to name him Happenstance, since he just happened along. Maybe call him Happy. I'm not sure yet. lol He's an intact male, so there's "THAT". lol Mo money mo money. lol

Awesome. They need family too. Especially when people abandon them. We live on a drop road as well. Ninja came about a month back now. Happy reminded me of him, excluding the white chest. I wish had some white. I keep sitting on him. He camouflages into my chair too well.

Awesome. They need family too. Especially when people abandon them. We live on a drop road as well. Ninja came about a month back now. Happy reminded me of him, excluding the white chest. I wish had some white. I keep sitting on him. He camouflages into my chair too well.

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Ninja...that's a great name for a black cat.
Right at Christmas, too. Not what we needed, but we caint turn him away. Just a real sweet cat. Just wandered up the driveway today. He's hung out all day, so we think somebody dropped him off. He's in the fold now. Bein cold out now, we caint let him just stay out. Probably give it a few days to make sure none of the neighbors come lookin for him, but I don't think that's gonna happen. Kitty wants to name him Happenstance, since he just happened along. Maybe call him Happy. I'm not sure yet. lol He's an intact male, so there's "THAT". lol Mo money mo money. lol

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How many are we up to now??
Come on rusty, your southern enough to know that if there's enough to feed 8, there's enough to feed 9
Come on rusty, your southern enough to know that if there's enough to feed 8, there's enough to feed 9
You know it. He's the sweetest thing. Spent the night in. He's so calm. No growling hissing evil looks to the other cats. Caint say that about them though. But so far, no battles have broken out.
Welcome Happy, you’re in good hands at the Merritt house. Let him in and he’ll never want to leave, even if his people show up. Words out in Georgia where to go if you’re a kitty that needs love!

Our 2 new kitties, Whiskey and Mya. We can’t say no either!

Welcome Happy, you’re in good hands at the Merritt house. Let him in and he’ll never want to leave, even if his people show up. Words out in Georgia where to go if you’re a kitty that needs love!

Our 2 new kitties, Whiskey and Mya. We can’t say no either!

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They're precious.

The whole time yesterday afternoon Kitty was saying, "No, no, no no, no". This mornin she said "He's a good cat". lol
Right at Christmas, too. Not what we needed, but we caint turn him away. Just a real sweet cat. Just wandered up the driveway today. He's hung out all day, so we think somebody dropped him off. He's in the fold now. Bein cold out now, we caint let him just stay out. Probably give it a few days to make sure none of the neighbors come lookin for him, but I don't think that's gonna happen. Kitty wants to name him Happenstance, since he just happened along. Maybe call him Happy. I'm not sure yet. lol He's an intact male, so there's "THAT". lol Mo money mo money. lol

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Here I was thinking you was pregnant again
Not that this is a contest...but we are now up to 8, with the addition of Abra with the tail injury and the two girls (Willow and Dinky) with the cloudy eye issues that no one wanted to adopt :(

Speaking of cloudy eye issues-

Yesterday was the day Vincey went in for his radioactive iodine therapy for his thyroid.

We get him back Thursday and then he has to be isolated for 2 weeks and we can only spend 5 minutes with him 3 times per day.

...and his "waste" needs to be removed from the residence immediately and buried a specific depth, not to be brought into human contact for a specified "half life" period.

I never in my wildest dreams, thought I'd be managing radioactive waste, let alone radioactive CAT waste.
Not that this is a contest...but we are now up to 8, with the addition of Abra with the tail injury and the two girls (Willow and Dinky) with the cloudy eye issues that no one wanted to adopt :(

Speaking of cloudy eye issues-

Yesterday was the day Vincey went in for his radioactive iodine therapy for his thyroid.

We get him back Thursday and then he has to be isolated for 2 weeks and we can only spend 5 minutes with him 3 times per day.

...and his "waste" needs to be removed from the residence immediately and buried a specific depth, not to be brought into human contact for a specified "half life" period.

I never in my wildest dreams, thought I'd be managing radioactive waste, let alone radioactive CAT waste.
Wow. That's just great yall are doing that.
We had 3 options-

$50 a month medication to treat only the symptoms, and that could potentially have consequences if others cats or humans came into direct contact with it.....for the rest of his life.

The "radiocat" treatment which has a 95% success rate that corrects the condition.

Put him down. Nothing else (besides the cloudy eye) wrong with him other than a bad tooth that just got pulled.
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Cats are like bums....... they have a way of marking a home that gives food and shelter .... Your marked RRR !!!! :D
Not that this is a contest...but we are now up to 8, with the addition of Abra with the tail injury and the two girls (Willow and Dinky) with the cloudy eye issues that no one wanted to adopt :(

Speaking of cloudy eye issues-

Yesterday was the day Vincey went in for his radioactive iodine therapy for his thyroid.

We get him back Thursday and then he has to be isolated for 2 weeks and we can only spend 5 minutes with him 3 times per day.

...and his "waste" needs to be removed from the residence immediately and buried a specific depth, not to be brought into human contact for a specified "half life" period.

I never in my wildest dreams, thought I'd be managing radioactive waste, let alone radioactive CAT waste.
What is the half life of radioactive cat ****? Ya know, so it can be brought back into human contact. :poke:
This guy came to my house early fall. Wife found it by itself at her dad’s non-functioning dairy farm. I am not a cat person and the wife knows that. So, it’s living in the garage for now and hopefully will be an outdoor cat eventually. I think the crazy terrier mutt we rescued this year will kill it if he ever gets in the house. So, here’s Smoky.

This guy came to my house early fall. Wife found it by itself at her dad’s non-functioning dairy farm. I am not a cat person and the wife knows that. So, it’s living in the garage for now and hopefully will be an outdoor cat eventually. I think the crazy terrier mutt we rescued this year will kill it if he ever gets in the house. So, here’s Smoky.

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Cmon, you know its just an excuse to keep the heat on in the garage for the hot rod.....:rolleyes:cute bugger....the cat....not you..:poke:
Thanks and God Bless to all of you in this thread and everybody else on the board that looks after stray animals. For whatever reasons many guys don't like cats and would just as soon shoot them. Y'all are good folks. I had 9 cats and 2 dogs at one point that all were strays or came out of the woods. Down to 2 cats now but they are my buddies.
Thanks and God Bless to all of you in this thread and everybody else on the board that looks after stray animals. For whatever reasons many guys don't like cats and would just as soon shoot them. Y'all are good folks. I had 9 cats and 2 dogs at one point that all were strays or came out of the woods. Down to 2 cats now but they are my buddies.
I love cats! We've had cats ever since I was a kid. They're not pets to us. They're family. Happenstance is crapped out on a pillow next to me right now. He's in his new home and he knows it! lol
I love cats! We've had cats ever since I was a kid. They're not pets to us. They're family. Happenstance is crapped out on a pillow next to me right now. He's in his new home and he knows it! lol
That is so awesome! He knows he's in a great place now. I grew up with cats too, always had at least one sleep with me. Can't imagine life without a few cats around haha. I think you can tell by my avatar I like cats. My niece made that for me of my cat Oscar.