


Not a Nova
Dec 26, 2006
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One fine afternoon in spring of 1971, I was leaving the hi-school parking lot in my 1970 Swinger340. Off the lot, turn left, idle out less than 100 yards, then stop at the stopsign.
Yes I stopped.... completely. One of the greatest things my Daddy ever taught me, was to not to chit where I live. Because my car was PantherPink, I thought it was good advice.
Anyway; out of nowhere, a copcar screams up behind me with not one but two cops in it. The driver explodes out of the car, I'm watching in the mirror, and by now I have shut off my engine. In the blink of an eye, he is at my door, looking like he is AlmightyGod Himself, on Judgement Day.
I get the speech; and he reminds me of all the things he could charge me with, and he is livid. Even his hair is on fire. (well it's red anyway). This cop I have not seen before, so I ain't playing his game; I sit quietly and answer politely whenever required. All the while I am thinking I definitely am going to lose my license, as there are TWO of them.
After shaking his nuts up and down for several minutes, and giving me the whole 5 inches, he lets me off with a warning !
I am not quite 17 years old; but my heart just aged a whole buncha years.
I am still at the stopsign, with him behind me, so I realize I gotta start my car and lead-off. And you guessed it, he starts following me. So I drive around the block as carefully as I can, and back onto the parking lot, and he keeps driving.
There ends my memory of that incident, except for; when I get out of the car, I realize that my legs have gone on vacation, lol, and I better just sit here for a few minutes.
Now, In the following days, my school chums reveal that, yes, this bright-red-headed cop is new here, and is terrorizing all of us young drivers. So, we all walk for a week, waving politely every time he idles by.
This school is in a suburb of Winnipeg, perhaps 15 minutes from the cop-shop. There is a bigfat building right next to it, and then a traffic-light. So as you drive by, almost immediately the office windows are obscured by the bigfat building, and they cannot see to the North. And almost every time I drive by that office, you know I am gonna voice my displeasure at having been intimidated without a cause. Yeah long and loud.
That red-headed cop mustabin transferred out almost as fast as he was transferred in, cuz by fall we never saw him again. and it was business as usual.
Moral of the story?
There is none, unless maybe you see a giant red-haired cop with a tiny ***** and big balls; then be polite.
They come in all styles, here's two of my good friends and myself. The amount of crap that they put up with and have to listen to would have my Taser wore out LOL

There are so many Laws now; in some states it is illegal to spit on the sidewalk, yet in others you can legally chit off the curb; How can one possibly complete a single Day outside your home and not be found guilty of breaking some obscure law........... Who can keep track of it all.....
I've met some really good cops and some real asshole cops over the years, but I always try to be polite whenever I interact with one, even if they are being an asshole.
Last time I had an interaction with a cop I was driving around and he pulled up beside me at the lights and he commented on my car and I asked him if he wanted to run for pinks. He laughed of course. Seemed like a great guy
There are so many Laws now; in some states it is illegal to spit on the sidewalk, yet in others you can legally chit off the curb; How can one possibly complete a single Day outside your home and not be found guilty of breaking some obscure law........... Who can keep track of it all.....
No Spitting has been around for many years, it is to prevent the spread of TB
Good and bad.
So a cop puts two bullets in a car as its trying to run him over. The stolen car has just left a liquor store and theres 3 young adults that just walked out of a liquor store with $1000 or so in booze.
Not worth running a cop over, and cost driver her life. Now cop is facing consequences.
He isnt the asshole that started it and is now paying the price for protecting himself.

in the last 30 years, all my interactions with law enforcement have been with mutual respect. I wouldnt want to do their job today.
Couldn’t pay me enough to be a cop in today’s atmosphere. My nephew is one. Canine officer to boot. I’m very proud of him. He would go out of his way to help anyone.
Good and bad.
So a cop puts two bullets in a car as its trying to run him over. The stolen car has just left a liquor store and theres 3 young adults that just walked out of a liquor store with $1000 or so in booze.
Not worth running a cop over, and cost driver her life. Now cop is facing consequences.
He isnt the asshole that started it and is now paying the price for protecting himself.

in the last 30 years, all my interactions with law enforcement have been with mutual respect. I wouldnt want to do their job today.
As my buddy says (a retired cop) you're better to be tried by 12 then carried by 6
Granted, there are some jerk cops, but for the most part they’re mirrors. You get back what you give.