How do I clean rust stains off my white sidewalls? PROBLEM SOLVED



Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Bloomington, MN
My Rallye wheels drained some rusty water across my white sidewall tires, and now I have these rust stains on the sidewalls that I can't get out. Tried Ajax cleanser with bleach, but this didn't help. Brillo pad didn't help either. Any ideas as to how I would get them bright and white again? Some sort of special bleaching rust remover? Thanks!


Turn them in and go black walls, permanent fix.

You have some real nice looking wheels, beauty rings, and center caps there. Let them be the highlight.

Personal Preference . . .

Go to the cleanser isle in your local grocery store and get a can of Bar Keepers Friend. It's great at removing rust stains.
But those aren't rust stains. It's the same kind of browning that the BFG's have issues with. I see my new ones have a couple spots on them the same as the op pictured above. Acetone is about the best.
But those aren't rust stains. It's the same kind of browning that the BFG's have issues with. I see my new ones have a couple spots on them the same as the op pictured above. Acetone is about the best.
I was wonderin about that.
Acetone is pretty tough on rubber and plastic. We have enough problem here in the sun belt with drywall cracking. Add the fact that we don't normally drive these vehicles enough to wear tires out, we need to keep the tires in the best shape we can.
Okay guys/gals: I think I have the problem licked. Thanks to all for your suggestions. I pretty much tried all of them and none worked for me. So I broke out the good old 3M P600 (600 grit) sandpaper, part number 213Q and started sanding. The rust stains are pretty deep into the white sidewall, but most of the rust accumulates on the outermost surface. So once I started sanding, the rust stain came off pretty quickly. There is a faint residue of rust discoloration deep into the sidewall which is impossible to get out, but sanding it pretty aggressively got about 90% of it. After finishing, I washed the tire with soap and water then hit the entire white sidewall with an SOS pad, which removed any sanding residue. I finished the job with a silicone tire dressing and from two feet away it looks nearly perfect. Please see the attached photos - the first before sanding, the second after sanding, and the last of the completed tire. Again, thanks for all the recommendations. I just wanted to pass to the Mopar faithful something that worked for me. Be well!



IMG_3027 (1).jpg
Looks new again!
Yeah, the white rubber that I was sanding off looked like the stuff leftover on a sheet of paper after you erase something with a pencil eraser. You have to constantly swish it away as you sand, or else you'll force this crud back into the sidewall and make your problem even worse.
I took a die grinder and a 3M Roloc disc (Scotch Brite) to my white letters to get them cleaned and it still came back. I bought a new pair and I am now seeing telltale signs of it coming back in them as well.