A Body WAGONS-Ho! A body Wagon Thread



Deceased - RIP Bruce
Legendary Member
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
Ft. Valley, GA
There are starting to be a BUNCH of Wagons scatered all over the FABO site.
So, Here is my contribution to all us Wagon owners; A Wagon only thread!

If you have an A body Wagon or Wagon Parts for sale or wanted please post them (or a link to them) here in addition to wherever else you have it posted.

Hopefully this will help us find comrade Waggoneers and parts for our Wagons/Waggins/Waggons faster!

Bruce B.

AND my '65 Dart Wagon can be seen here: http://s518.photobucket.com/albums/u350/7071dartgtreg/1965 Dart Wagon/

AND on FABO: http://www.forabodiesonly.com/mopar/showthread.php?p=458337#post458337

My Parts wanted list;
Roof Rack
Rear Deflectors
Electric Tailgate Window Setup
'65 Dart GT Tail/Trunk Panel
'65 Dart Wagon Tailgate side Taillight Lenses
Back-up Light Pigtails
does this mean I'm excluded? I don't have a wagon(they have four doors!) I do however have a waggin(two doors)can I play too? LoL. ok if some one needs the rear side glass for 63 to 66 a body wagon I have both sides in nice shape name your reasonable price + actual shipping costs and they are yours!!!!waggin II will be a sedan delivery so won't be needin them,heres some pic's to get the creative juices flowing! 8)

wheelie bars.JPG



here is mine. im working on getting her back on the road. i want to run black steelies in the back with some cheater slicks and mags in the front. kind of like a super stock wagon. i think it will look cool.

DSC01594 (Medium).JPG

Looks like a Valiant Wagon Army so far! LOL!:cheers:

Yes Curtis, Waggins ARE welcome too!
Waggin II is in the shop?
Cool deal.

Bruce B.
This is my A body wagon. I've been using it as my daily driver since 1997 when I brought it home.I love it . You couldn't get me into a new car I'd rather drive this car any day. It's a 225 with an automatic now but soon it will be a 170 with a 4 speed for gas milage. It's the best car I've ever owned. Not the prettiest or nicest but by far the best most usefull car.I use it for work,I'm a carpenter.I shlep my tools around and haul lumber. Sometimes I stick my 18 ft canoe on the roof and head up to the Adirondacks with it too.It goes and goes and goes and goes.

http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v614/ydsed/wagon work/
That is a cool Chrysler Wagon!
Cryin' shame it is just sittin' there goin' to waste!:cry:

Bruce B.
ahhh i see you used quarter panels off a valiant sedan valiantwagonguy. i think it looks good with the lower wheel arch.
I had to use what I had.I looked for 2 years for wagon quarters but found nothing,I really wanted to use this car as a parts car for a better wagon but couldn't find one of those either so I bit the bullet and worked with this one.That was 10 years ago! it should have been crushed and here it is still in service and going strong as a daily driver. Valiants RULE!
Hey valiantwagonguy kewl body work you did there,love the quarter panel wheel arches!!!! awesome lil' car you have there :cheers:
This is my A body wagon. I've been using it as my daily driver since 1997 when I brought it home.I love it . You couldn't get me into a new car I'd rather drive this car any day. It's a 225 with an automatic now but soon it will be a 170 with a 4 speed for gas milage. It's the best car I've ever owned. Not the prettiest or nicest but by far the best most usefull car.I use it for work,I'm a carpenter.I shlep my tools around and haul lumber. Sometimes I stick my 18 ft canoe on the roof and head up to the Adirondacks with it too.It goes and goes and goes and goes.

http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v614/ydsed/wagon work/
Hey valiantwagonguy kewl body work you did there,love the quarter panel wheel arches!!!! awesome lil' car you have there :cheers:

Thanks It was a real challange but worth the effort. Now if I could only find a good tailgate I'd be set!
Hey waggin I see that the one 65 in your pics is a 2 dr, is that a car you built or was that a factory option. I don't know but it looks very cool.
that was a surgical accident,the nurse put an x on the doors so I thought it meant amputate,well when the patient awoke it complained about the breeze and I had to put something back.i used 66 dart gt door, quarter panel sections and the complete dart gt upper chrome package to complete the look then added a 65 barracuda grille


small striped waggin.JPG

That is one cool wagon. The mopar version of the nomad. Must have been a ton of work.