yes, they are embossed. these are super well made. i sold about 75 on this site 3 years ago when i had them made. of course, someone copied my idea and started undercutting my pricing. anyway i still have 50 left and thats is why i am selling for a discount now, you will be love them if you by them.
i had these made a few years ago and still have about 50 left. i know someone copied my idea and they sell for 39.95 plus ship now. (of course). mine are really well made. stamped polished aluminum, Uv resistant ink. embossed lettering, 3m sticker side. im gonna offer 2 for $55 shipped! these...
this is a nice piece. I bead blasted/epoxy primed/wrinkle finished. the wrinkle came out pretty good but there are some small areas that didn't flash. hardly noticeable but just want to disclose. plus the ride!