Recent content by AussiePlymouths

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    1966 BARRACUDA trunk hinges

    Gday Everyone, Gary from Australia again, still struggling along on my '66 BCuda :) I have a question regarding trunk hinges please. Are they side specific, or does anyone have a part number listing please? I have a shop manual but not a parts book. I am asking because I am trying to fit...
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    1966 Barracuda 273 converted to a Formula S

    That sure is a killer colour and a great looking paint job!
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    [FOR SALE] Australian Chrysler Emblems

    YY1, I believe that the Aussie cars only used the "Fireball 318" moniker on our air cleaner lids, no emblems. I like the US emblems better than ours! :)
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    66 Barracuda gauge problems

    Thank you for your input. I have been puzzled as to why theoil pressure gauge is working but not the other 2.
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    66 Barracuda gauge problems

    You have been very helpful, thank you for your trouble! :thankyou:
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    66 Barracuda gauge problems

    Thank you for all of your help, I am learning so much from your posts ! :thumbsup:
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    66 Barracuda gauge problems

    Thank you for all of those images. :thumbsup: I take it that those are brand new circuit boards? very nice
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    66 Barracuda gauge problems

    Thank you for taking the time to reply and for posting those links. Unfortunately I am not electrically minded and I thought that the oil pressure gauge, being on a seperate board, may not have been 5v. I still can't see how the 5v power gets from the fuel gauge to the other board _ what am I...
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    66 Barracuda gauge problems

    Thank you so much, That is exactly the answer that I was wanting. Very much appreciated. Thank you for posting those poics, and your explanation and the tip to look on Ebay, You have been a great help.
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    66 Barracuda gauge problems

    Gday everyone, Posting from Australia. I have a '66 Barracuda imported here 20 years ago. Poor thing has had a rough, unloved life, but it's a formula S and very few of those here so I thought it was worth saving. So 20 years of life gets in the way of getting this car up and running but...
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    engine number location 318 please ?

    All good, I should have explained better, I was trying to keep it simple so that I didn't confuse anyone :) :)
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    engine number location 318 please ?

    Many thanks. :thumbsup:
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    engine number location 318 please ?

    And thanks again for your help, much appreciated:thumbsup:
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    engine number location 318 please ?

    Calm down it's all good.:) It's in Ausstralia. It's an Aussie 318 LA block, simple :thumbsup:
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    engine number location 318 please ?

    Yes, mine is out of a VF, I was hoping for a more accessible location, but thank you:thumbsup: