Recent content by cawest

  1. C

    Using an automatic housing with a manual flywheel? Can it be done?

    Yes Mauney Road that's the one. He actually has two salvage yards out there! Pretty cool to look around the yard when I was there and bought some items from him! He has a lot of cool Mopar's out there! He's good people! My son bought a ultra clean 73 charger from him! Original 400, 4 speed car...
  2. C

    Using an automatic housing with a manual flywheel? Can it be done?

    No problem! Good luck with the run! He probably has one!
  3. C

    Using an automatic housing with a manual flywheel? Can it be done?

    Steve Iverster has a big MOPAR salvage yard in NC near Shelby! Great guy! Lawndale, NC ! There are other threads about his biz on this site! He will ship! He is knowledgeable, friendly, and very helpful! Has great stuff and great deals!
  4. C

    Using an automatic housing with a manual flywheel? Can it be done?

    rzplatesandmore this is the name if that link didn't work! Sorry I'm a bit computer world illiterate!
  5. C

    Using an automatic housing with a manual flywheel? Can it be done?

    They make them for a small block! I bought one to use on my stand with a 130 tooth flywheel and worked beautifully! I think it was like $24.00 or something! This guy makes a bunch of helpful items! Recommended! Here's the guys link on ebay! Security Measure
  6. C

    318 question?

    Yeah, a magnum build would be cool but $200 for the short block, I got just have to put heads on it and cash flow is tight at the moment!
  7. C

    318 question?

    I believe they are LA pistons because they have 4 eyebrow reliefs. I'll go check and take a pic! I pulled pistons to hone and clean cylinders. They had some rust from sitting in the guys garage for ever.
  8. C

    318 question?

    Thanks Bewy! You may be correct, I wasn’t sure about what cam it had in it so I took it to a machine shop friend of mine and he didn’t know what brand the cam was but he measured the lift and said it was slightly under what a standard LA cam was. Didn’t write the numbers down but he said it was...
  9. C

    318 question?

    Man that is really great info Professor Fate! That is a crazy overbore! This one was bored 40 over but sat a few years before I got it! Was rebuilt and never used. Had to hone some years of crust out of it but it cleaned up easy and had new pistons and cam, and a steel crank! Re-ringing it...
  10. C

    318 question?

    Thanks, so if so what heads can I put on it? Will LA style heads work or am I gonna have to use poly heads? I need to find some that are budget friendly but want to make sure I'm buying the right heads. Not looking for something radical, just want to make it go.
  11. C

    318 question?

    Sent some pictures!
  12. C

    318 question?

    Thanks! just sent them from my phone and it looks like it worked
  13. C

    318 question?

    Yes but for some reason when I send them they never get to the recipients! I have a newer I phone. Never had these issues with my android phone!
  14. C

    318 question?

    I'm thinking Poly 318 block as well. If so is there heads besides poly, like LA engine heads that will work?
  15. C

    318 question?

    Thanks! I'm not the most computer savvy guy! I got some pics but I'm having trouble getting them from my phone to my computer! The numbers I posted earlier are the only numbers on the block and they are on the front. No numbers what so ever on the sides of the block. There is an A2 on the front...