Recent content by jimmer

  1. jimmer

    A855 - 5 Speed

    I don't know much about this. However my brother has one of the transmissions. There was a problem they sent him a new one. Jamie told him they were no longer. From what my brother said it was investors not Jamie. They were the ones trying to cut corners and use substandard parts ? So it...
  2. jimmer

    Another senseless death.

  3. jimmer

    1963 Valiant Wagon "Candy girl"

    Auto destruct ! And spell wrecker ! I think there is an evil phone wizard laughing behind a curtain ! He has got me a few times. This is a resurrected thread for sure. Wagons are so cool .
  4. jimmer

    User Moparofficial not responding..

    Justin call me I'm looking for a set of ported heads from 3 1/2 years ago . Have you seen them ?
  5. jimmer

    Post your self portraits!

    Today coming home from the gym.
  6. jimmer

    True car people are becoming a thing of the past

    I would say the leading factor is cost. Inflation . Who can afford gas, rent, milk eggs, let alone muscle cars. Everything is crazy expensive. We were fortunate to have lived in different times. Now it is like winning the lottery to even fnd a decent old car at an affordable price.
  7. jimmer

    Who offered up their TrickFlow intake for flow testing.

    Hmm To convince me the intake is junk ? I think I'll take my chances. I waited for almost a year when I got mine. The funny part is I almost said forget it. Thankfully I was patient.
  8. jimmer

    Very rough week last week. I had to have Roman put to sleep.

    Animals are certainly a gift, more loyal then 95 percent of people, love unconditional ( with food of coarse ) I pray for comfort in your time of grief.
  9. jimmer

    R.I.P Rand Meisner

    Legend lost for sure ! R.I.P. The eagles had so many greats. Alone they could make it . Together they were magic !
  10. jimmer


    Time passes like a warm summer night for sure. I still have pm's from Tony. He was a super cool dude ! I miss him.
  11. jimmer

    Possible good news from TrickFlow

    No hurry on my part . Yes shipping I'm sure is like everything else in our communist controlled country. I'd be willing to take one for the team, just to get the comparison out there in real life.
  12. jimmer

    Possible good news from TrickFlow

    John I have a trick flow I'll send. It is untouched. I can't remember if my edelbrock airgap was gasket matched ?
  13. jimmer

    I counted my small block stash today.

    I got rid of a few 360's and a couple big blocks. Now just 1-340 1 la 360 1 89 roller la 360 1 Magnum 360 1 383 hp 71 magnum