Recent content by Mattax

  1. Mattax

    69 dart dash wiring

    Can also ask one of the members here to replace the pins. @MoparMike1974 examples in this thread
  2. Mattax

    Round back to square back alt

    I can only speculate why Chrysler made the decision to use 12 gage wire. Presumably its a balance between ease of assembly, costs of materials, and acceptable performance. For example on the factory diagrams of this era we see the standard field wire for A-bdies was 18 gage vs 16 ga for...
  3. Mattax

    Round back to square back alt

    The "battery" terminal wire is from the alternator. I dont have the 65 Dart FSM open right now but if its 12 SAE then this will be close. Might have been SAE 10 gage. Only the heavy duty options got 8 gage. I don't think there is more the 7' from the alternator to the main splice. So maybe...
  4. Mattax

    Round back to square back alt

    Alternator needs to supply as much as 25-30 amps when the lights are on, with the heater fan, and wipers going.* Battery charging would add to that. Its why I let the battery recharge during warm up with those things off. Don't need them on anyway while oil pressure is building and the...
  5. Mattax

    Round back to square back alt

    Google is wrong. Go look at a section of residential wiring for outlets and a 20 amp cb or fuse and tell me if it is 1/4" in diameter solid copper. What's the AWG listed on the insulation? (assuming its NM) Granted this is AC but just to give some perspective on on how far off 1/4"...
  6. Mattax

    Alternator belt placement help? (Charging issues)

    I agree with OMM. In my limited experience with them, those machined double pulleys don't seem be aligned right. There's a whole thread I started called "alternator show in tell" Got an old original single sheave pulley from OMM. :)
  7. Mattax

    Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

    Well since you stuck your foot in the shoe, lets discuss this. It seem that you want this to be an Us versus them thread, and anyone who point out that politics is creeping in must be a them. I think that's a shame. But if your proud of that, so be it.
  8. Mattax

    AFB Carburetor Question

    In addition to the FSM for that has that carb, and the Carter pictured above, you can reference the For an example with a single idle air adjustment screw see the 1970 Carb booklet p.6 same booklets and and films available in pdf...
  9. Mattax

    Amp gauge fluctuates at any RPM

    Hello Gilad, You are best off starting a new thread. Especially in this case because your car is different and this thread has gone all over the place, Tell us under what conditions you see are observing flickering. A photo or two of the engine compartment may help as well. The things that can...
  10. Mattax

    Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

    Let's keep politics out of this thread
  11. Mattax

    Overcharging problems

    So there is little loss between those two points but a seems to be a significant drop before the current gets to the junction at the ballast resistor. Exactly. Well if the wiring didn't have a shunt and other mods we would know where to look next. It would be in the path between the Alternator...
  12. Mattax

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    We had a visitor today. Or more likely we are the visitors and he's pretty much at home. Castle (Fort) William
  13. Mattax

    Overcharging problems

    Well without the ammeter we can only assume its been overcharging Anyway here's some engine bay photos (standard wiring).
  14. Mattax

    Overcharging problems

    if its been 15 V at the battery its borderline overcharging. If its 15 V somewhere else, then we're just guessing