edelbrock carb issue

Make sure your timing is set right, and also check to make sure the advance in the distributor is not locked out,(springs damaged, etc). If this is the case it could cause you to set the idle screw to far in, which will cause you to uncover your idle bleeds. Which could explain why adjusting your a/f idle screws have no effect. Just something to try, good luck. And do us all a favor. When you get it fixed, please let us know what it was for future reference. Thanks

Good advice. An improperly working ignition can make it seem like a carb problem. The ignition is the first thing I always check.

As far as would the original thermoquad be worth rebuilding. How did it run last time you used it? They are great carbs when they run right but they have the problem of the bowls cracking and/or well plugs leaking. You can't get a new bowl anymore so if it's bad it's junk unless you get lucky and find someone with one for sale. BTW: They have a ton of parts so they aren't for the faint hearted rebuilder.