Picking up a 400 for 75 bucks!

Can't help you with info, maybe look on the passenger side of the block for ID?

But I was going to say, I picked up a running 440 for $250 and was going to brag about my good deal, but you definatly beat me there!

We'll see how the bores looks tomorrow. I just got it out of the truck and on to the stand. :cheers: I felt sorry for the kid so I gave him 80 bucks for it. :-D

GREAT deal, Joe. Now you can build a 451" stroker stump puller for your RC!
Let us know what you find out about the oil pressure issue.

The plan is a 512 at 12:1 with either a tunnel ram by Pat Fogel or a centrifugal supercharger at 8.5:1. Either way, it's going into the Duster. 8)

Look on the pad on the front on pass side, think thay stopped making the 383 in 1971, I never did own a 400, just 383's and 440's....

Yep, I checked it out before I gave him the cash: 7 T 40 should mean 1977, truck, 400. Water pump housing and exhaust manifolds were cast with a "77" too. The engine looks as though it was never apart since it left the factory. It's now coated with about 1" of "Factory Rustproofing" if you know what I mean.

The story was that he had it in his Ramcharger and was out 4 wheeling with his BIL and his new Jeep Commando. Well, he smacked his BIL's Commando and broke a motor mount which put the oil filter into the front suspension which peed oil everywhere. He drove it back to Denver after buying a case of oil and contantly topping it off, lol. He said it ran when he pulled it out but he didn't run it very long and it was smoking real bad. I turned it over and there seems to be some compression, but I'll know more once I break it open. That little stunt of his really hurt the old pocket book. Like I said, I feel bad for him. Maybe I won't feel so bad when I see a piston pin through a bore or two, lol. As I mentioned before though, at this price I'll have it sleeved if I need to. Sleeving would do nothing but strengthen the block anyway.