BP oil spill?

They cant just extend a mile of pipe to the surface without a platform to secure the top of it.
There are lots of places on the planet where this type of well is drilled. If the only contractor who does this leaves here they wont be back for a very long time. Thats the main reason some are pushing the new permit(s) issue.
I dont think BP or any oil company really wants to drill off our coast again. So long as we continue to use more oil than anyone else we dont have a choise but to practicly beg them to drill locally.
If our government owned and operated the industry they would be soley responcible for these concequences. I can only imagine what that would be like. Betcha Obama doesn't even want to think about "what if ?"
He's glad BP is the scapegoat but I'll say this again... we are to blame because we use so much oil.
Being dependant on foreign oil wouldn't a bad thing if the quantity was minimal. I think we all can see now that drilling here isn't the best solution. Alternative energy is the solution but that can't happen overnight.