Aliens, legal?

Once in a lifetime dive for sure! Between 2 storms in Feb. over 15 years ago.
McAbee beach, Cannery Row, Monterey Cal.

I was very lucky to find these critters, they live 2000-3000' down in the Monterey canyon. The only time we see them is when the up-welling of cold seawater pushes them up to the surface.
Introducing; 2 types of Ctenophora, Lobata (lobed) and Beroida. (flatter)
Ctenophora are the critters that have comb rows that refract the light and give you the rainbow effect, Ctenophora means comb bearer, that's what moves them along through the water.
Siphonophores, in long chains, straight (one must have been 100' long) and curled up. The "head" or "bell" pulls the chain along through the water.

Salps are barrel-shaped and are usually grouped in rings, each individual works like a water pump, in the mouth, out the rear.

Check out this one I made for the Charleston S.C. Natural History Museum.

Giant Kelp! Enjoy!

[ame=""]YouTube- Macrosystice2.dv[/ame]

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