Cam wiped out, what the hell did I do wrong?!?!?

tapper of the lobe is what rotates them.

guys how many flat cams have you seen?

once they start to go, there will be no more rotation and they end up looking like this especially if it's been run even more after 'break in' [literally], they will eat themselves.

I can come out to look at the block and we can mock up the cam/lifters to see whats really what.
I have a strong feeling it aint the block thats off.

Are you talking about mocking up the new cam and lifters when I get them, or the old ones? I don't remember what came out of where. I didn't mark it because it's not going back in. Might be able to match the wear on the lobe with the wear on the lifter, but the lifters in the pic only come out from the bottom of the bore.

Also, I don't think I mentioned it, but the 2nd and 4th journals and bearings were scored, and I think it was the 4th the hole wasn't totally lines up when I took it out, but I'm sure they were before I installed it. I think it moved somehow from the friction or when I was muscling the cam out.

I still haven't pulled the block yet to tear it down, and probably won't be able to get to it until weekend after next.