Landed safely in VA

I had to get away from the N&P forum because it was simply too hostile and negative. I had seen others inquiring about getting out of the forum for the same reasons. My energy was better spent elsewhere.

Never wrestle with a pig; you both get dirty and the pig likes it.

I am currently driving my 1994 Suburban and it is a real gas guzzler. It was our secondary vehicle back home and did not see the road much but it was a tank that you felt comfortable in whenever the weather got ugly. I do not even know if I will be permitted to license it down here. I may go shopping for an X3 because I have seen a number of 2004 models that ranged from $13K to $15K with 80K to 90K miles.

As a former 525i owner, I have a strong bias toward BMW despite the tendency toward electrical glitches.

If anyone needs a historical fact check, drop me a PM. The worst I can say is, "I do not know". On the way through North Dakota where the highway follows the Missouri River, I came upon Ft. Mandan at Washburn. I had taken the children to Astoria, OR where Lewis & Clarke spent the winter of 1805-06. I did not know exactly where Ft. Mandan (L&C, winter of 1804-05) was located but I stopped in for a break and bought gifts to send home. I find it fun to make historical learning interesting for my children. History, well taught, can be enjoyed by all.

Good to hear from ya Claudius.

We miss you in the n/p forum specially since you know more about American history than most college professors.....well, I did not mean that as an insult believe me..,but you know what I mean.

Continued prayers for you and your family bud, and congrats on the new job and warm welcome.