NO Tilte Car

In Ca. you'll have to bring the car to the DMV or have an "official agent" verify the VIN.
If the Wrecking yard owns the car, can't you get a bill of sale from them? I'm sure they've run across this situaltion before. They should have some sort of official paperwork to show that they own it. Here in Ca. wrecking yards have to submit all the paperwork to the state and are issued an aquisition #. With that, you can sell a car on a bill of sale and then the new owner will be issued a new title. It will be a salvage title but a title none the less. Some of the drawbacks to a salvage title is: some insurance companies won't write a policy on one, Some banks won't loan money for one, and on resale, they aren't as valuable as one without a salvage brand on it.