Your Dogs Ever Steal From You?

Socks , underwear, pretty much anything that isn't bolted down Sally will take and hide in her bed. Frank will just take a random sock, fling it up in the air, play with it for a little while then leave it. With Sally you just never see the damn thing again!

Once I posted about "big mean kitty" being torn apart.... I'm still finding a leg here, a paw there, lol.

Sounds like Sally's on mission. I figured Maximus was just pissed about me being at work. Anything that resembled me leaving, she would hide.

Dig a little deeper in Sally's head..... I'ts probably not much deeper than mine. :-D


Sally was mistreated and left alone for a long time... She is taking things for fear that it will happen again and these things keep her feeling as part of the pack. They are her bone and piece of the pack that she feels cannot be taken away from her, that's why she hides it.