Early A-body tti pictures from Fall Fling

Okay so I took some pictures of the standard mini-starter that I had already gotten cheap from a junkyard when I was thinking of getting the Doug's or Spitfires. I compared it side by side to the custom Powermaster mini-starter made for the early A-body tti headers.

The starter motor bodies are exactly the same. :) The mounting flange is the only difference. For what it's worth: If there was ever a problem with the Powermaster starter going out, you could take the body from a standard mini-starter and replace it onto the custom mounting flange of the Powermaster. Seems like this would be the inexpensive replacement route IMO. It's too bad tti doesn't give you the option of just buying the custom flange from POwermaster. BUt that would be too easy of course.

This is just FYI for those of you who are thinking about the tti's and are worried about starter failure and the expense of replacing it ($240 smackers)


