Bands that you've seen live

saw all the '80s hair bands...can't bother making a list, but you know who they are.

Def Lep (Hysteria tour-in the round, in your face) was one of the best-great to see Rick Allen play.

DLR (Eat'em and Smile tour) was great too- the show was cancelled and rescheduled several times, so the crowd was fairly small-nobody thought it would go on lol-but Diamond Dave rocked the place. The band- including Steve Vai and Billy Sheehan-was tight and it was a great show.

Also saw a guy I know (Paul Laine- no, you've never heard of him lol) open for Bryan Adams at a huge concert at Canada Olympic Park in Calgary. It was cool talking to him outside the gates as we waited in line and he walked up carrying his guitar case in his hand with some spandex-clad hottie following along:toothy10:

which reminds me- the best thing about all those concerts? All the hot girls in spandex.